History of CHURCH
Church history, or the history of the Christian Faith, began about 30 A.D. in Palestine with a small number of Jews and Jewish Proselytes, about 120 according to Acts 1:15, following the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By the third century A.D., Christianity had grown to become the dominant religion of the northern Mediterranean world. It also gained important extensions to the east and south of the Mediterranean.
An overview of church history in chronological sections is given below, beneath the multimedia section.
References: http://www.theopedia.com/Church_history
St. Jude Thaddeus Parishis situated in the southwest bend with the City of Davaoat General Malvar Street. This parish was utilized to become acomponent with the San Pedro Cathedral; and claimed a membership of about 20,000 professed Catholics that covered the zones of Malvar, Mt. Apo and Camus Streets.Several people all via the Diocese of Davao have already been asking how the parish came about. And howSt. Jude Thaddeus, a lesser acknowledged apostle, was chosen as patron saint for the parish.
The story goes back in 1964, when the late Archbishop Clovis Thibault, PME, who was then bishop of Davao, asked an extra PME priest, Fr. Paul Gravel, to open just just a little chapel in Malvar Street. When confronted using the dilemma of naming a patron saint for the chapel, Bishop Thibault recommended St. Jude Thaddeus for two elements: first, was that the bishop really had a genuine devotion towards the ‘Patron Saint of Lost Causes. And secondly, the bishop’s grandfather was truly named ‘Jude.’ So, dedicating the Chapel to St. Jude Thaddeus was also the bishop’s way of honoring the pleased memoryhe had with his grandfather.
Consequently, just just a little chapel was constructed just along the corner of a bowling lane owned by the Knights of Columbus. Within months, people everywhere started to treat the place as a sacred shrine. Although there was no official Church document that confirms its appellation as a ‘miraculous’ pilgrimage web site, the little chapel was then acknowledged because the Saint Jude Thaddeus Shrine.
A year later, in 1965, St. Jude Thaddeus Parish Church was officially proclaimed as an independent parish beneath the Archdiocese of Davao. Rev. Fr. Paul Gravel, PME became its initial parish priest. The parish church architecture that we’re seeing nowadays was constructed in 1975. Gradually, the parish church progressed, stone following stone, because the years went by.
In the Catholic Church, a parish priest (also known as a pastor) is a priest appointed by the bishop to represent him to the local parish, which is a collection of neighborhoods in one small region of a county within a given state. A given city may support a number of parishes, depending on the Catholic population.
Lay ministers, on the other hand, are clearly laypeople. Their ministries are based on their baptism. For the most part, their ministries are specific (distributing Communion, serving Mass, teaching religious education, carrying on works of charity). They mostly have other secular jobs, are generally married and have families, dress in lay clothes (though they may wear albs in the liturgy). Practical experience and observation tell us that clergy and lay ministers are different.
During a 2011 interview with NPR host Lynn Neary, congressional moderator Sister Mary Pellegrino discussed the diverse roles that Catholic nuns embrace. Nuns perform a host of duties within their communities, working in areas like education, medicine and social work. All jobs that nuns perform, in some way, are meant to fulfill their overarching roles in the church, Pellegrino explained.
References: http://people.opposingviews.com/role-catholic-nuns-5701.html
During a 2011 interview with NPR host Lynn Neary, congressional moderator Sister Mary Pellegrino discussed the diverse roles that Catholic nuns embrace. Nuns perform a host of duties within their communities, working in areas like education, medicine and social work. All jobs that nuns perform, in some way, are meant to fulfill their overarching roles in the church, Pellegrino explained.
References: http://people.opposingviews.com/role-catholic-nuns-5701.html